Photography School


Introduction to photography Course – $225


Learn all about your camera, lenses, depth of field, ISO, Speed, Aperture and White


Includes two evening lectures, course notes and number of practical assignments with a

certificate awarded to those who successfully complete the course.



Intermediate Course – $150 (you will need a tripod and an ND filter)


This course covers more advanced use of Depth of field, ISO, Speed, Aperture, ND filters,

mood filters.

This is a practical five hour course done on location. A certificate is awarded to those who

successfully complete the course.



Advanced Course – $185 (includes a model)


This course involves composition in general and working with a model and directing her to

give you the look you want. You will use reflectors and props. This course includes an

evening lecture with a practical on location.

A certificate is awarded to those who successfully complete the course.



Lighting, Flash, Remotes & Reflectors Course – $195


This course is a must if you want to take your photography to the next level.

We provide the gear (bring your own flash if you have one) and experiment with different

lighting setups. A certificate is awarded to those who successfully complete the course.



Street Photography Workshop – $150


Learn all about candid photography in the streets. The course covers cameras, black and

white, camera settings, legalities, composition, getting the look and feel.

This is done on a Saturday morning in the city.



Editing your photographs – $185


You get free software (shareware) and get taught how to crop, convert to HDR, convert to

Black and White, change saturation, etc., etc.

The workshop takes 2 evenings.